
Wednesday 6 December 2017

6 Signs Inflammation is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts

Are you frustrated because you’ve been eating well and exercising regularly, but you’re still not losing weight?
Inflammation might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. But before I show you how inflammation hinders weight loss, realize that inflammation isn’t your enemy.
There are two types of inflammation, acute and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation occurs when you’re hurt and it helps the body heal. It’s characterized by swelling, red and hot skin.
Chronic inflammation is the enemy. It has been linked to diseases like diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
Researchers explain that chronic inflammation alters the mechanism of fat cells, making it harder to convert fat into energy. 
Unfortunately, chronic inflammation isn’t easy to identify. So you have to be aware of its symptoms. Here are signs inflammation could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

1. You feel tired all the time

If you’ve been getting adequate sleep but still wake up feeling tired, inflammation might be the problem.
Research shows that cells can’t produce enough energy when they’re inflamed and this can make you feel tired all day long.

2. You have digestive problems

An inflamed gut can cause digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. An inflamed gut allows toxins to enter the body, increasing inflammation in the entire body. 

3. You have pains and aches

Achy muscles and joints are a sign of inflammation. When we are inflamed, fat and immune cells produce chemicals that increase pain sensitivity and stiffness.
Arthritis is one of the clear indicators of chronic inflammation. But minor pains on your muscles and feet could also be a sign.

4. You’re depressed

This study found that depression is linked to chronic inflammation. In the study, researchers found that 46 percent of the depressed participants had high amounts C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.
The good news is you can eliminate inflammation and depression at the same time. Regular exercise, eating anti-inflammatory foods and deep breathing have been proven to ease these two conditions.

5. You have excess belly fat

Fat cells around the abdominal area produce inflammatory chemicals which cause insulin resistance, research shows. This makes it harder to lose weight and causes more fat to settle in the belly.
I may also note that visceral fat (fat surrounding the organs) is the one that contributes to inflammation. Subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) isn’t linked to inflammation.

6. Skin problems

Psoriasis, eczema and other skin problems may be a sign of chronic inflammation. When you’re inflamed, the body reacts negatively to some foods and this can cause acne or early aging.
Don’t worry if you have most of these signs. You can heal inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods, exercising and meditating.

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