
Thursday 17 November 2016

Do You Think It Is Really A Ghost In This Girl’s Car? (3 pics )

Harper Kurtz took this selfie in a car… which looks like a normal photo but if you look closer, you can see something spooky in it.

Yup, it looks like there is a ghost just behind Harper in the back seat! She noticed it only a month later when she was going through the photos. It was quite a shock to her…

"It was a real 'Oh my god' moment," Kurtz told The Daily Mail. "I was really shocked by it, incredibly shocked. I ran into the other room and said to friends who were staying with me 'you have to see this.' Everyone was awestruck."

According to The Daily Mail, Greg Pocha, director of parapsychology, afterlife and paranormal studies at Eidolon Project Canada, believes that the ghost was indeed warning Harper about the seatbelt. Apparently, this kind of analysis of paranormal motive is called spectral profiling.

The location where the photo was taken has a tragic past. "Where the picture was taken there was an automobile accident one year ago exactly," Kurtz said. "When I looked into it, someone had been medevaced away in a helicopter. However, they would not tell me any specific details when I enquired, which leads me to believe that it was a child."
And, according to Pocha, this would explain why the ghost boy was still there. "Ghosts such as the boy are prone to remain earthbound when the soul is literally ripped or thrown from the body in an accident," he said. "Chances are that he does not know that he has died. And chances are good that he will haunt this part of the highway forever."

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